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          We all need time no matter the situation. There is a saying that “there isn’t enough hours in the day”. I agree with this statement and I think you should too. As we go over different ways to save time, there will be methods that will make sure you’re never frustrated about being on schedule.


            In an article by “Sarah D. Sparks”, she talks about people thinking they are multi- tasking when they are not. Larry D. Rosen said “those under 18 multi-task more often and more extensively than previous generations. With all the technology out, the new generation tries to balance a lot. In the article they mention that students that reply faster in text than the other students during the lecture receive lower grades. The article also mentions that we do not multi-task, we just have a great memory for the things we do over and over again. We do not do things at the same time, one is slower than the other. The fact of the matter is we are better off doing stuff one at a time. When focusing on something once at a time, we can actually finish faster than doing it at the same time.


            When I am working I feel like I am multi-tasking. At my job I scan x-ray parts and save them into a computer data base. My supervisor allows us to use our phones to listen to music and surf the web. Using my phone wasn’t the hard part but saving the x-rays in groups of ten and then switching the box number gave me a hard time. I would make mistakes over and over until I finally got the hang of it. I thought I had great multi-tasking skills until I read the article and realized it was just in my memory after all the times I done it.


         Time management is used to make sure that you have time for everything that you do without rushing. When managing your time you should always use an “action program”. It is industrial strength versions of your day to day do list. Action programs actually work out with the benefits of great time management. With great management comes greater productivity and efficiency. You also look more professional and stress free for the most part. Failing of managing your time can be very hard on you. You will have missed deadlines, inefficient work flow, poor work quality, a stalled career, and a poor professional reputation. Long term and short term goals play a role in time management also. Short term goals like “passing math with an A will let you know where you stand and how you can fix it. Long term goals will have you think ahead but plan wisely. The way you organize and plan how much time you put into activities will help you with your time management, just do not slack off.


            The decision matrix was set up to manage your time. The matrix consists of four boxes. The first box is urgent/important. We call that box quad l. The box known as quad l, deals with crises, problems, or deadlines. The second box is not urgent/important. We call this box quad ll. It deals with strengthening relationships, planning for the future, and improving yourself. The third box is urgent/not important. We call that box quad lll, it is filled with interruptions from other people and often involve helping them meet their own goals and fulfill their own. The forth box is not urgent/not important. This box is called the quad lV which is non-helping activities that are primarily distractions.


            The time management matrix helped me out a lot. My priorities are not in check, I wait till the last minute for everything. I Work overnight, so basically Sunday night to Thursday night. I was falling out of routine when school started. Work, gym, and sleep was my schedule. Everything changed when class started. I stopped going to the gym at the time I usually went. My sleeping pattern was off and I would go out for my own pleasures when I should have been studying. In English 109 I learned about time management and how to set your time up by dividing it from most important to least. Ever since learning the method I have gotten used to this new schedule. Work,school,rest,hw, and gym: it worked out perfectly.


            After learning about the different ways to save time I put it into full effect. Time is nothing we can control but we can manage it.

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